Welcome to Monthly
Pragmatic Boosts -
Your Shortcut to Possibilities!

with Susanna Mittermaier


Do you know that a different way of being in this world is available?

This is your invitation to a life and future that actually works for you.
An invitation to go beyond the drama that this world promotes … And towards possibilities.

Pragmatic Psychology by Susanna Mittermaier offers tools and new perspectives that facilitate you finding out what is true for you.

Being dramatic is focusing on problems - pragmatic is doing what works.
Being pragmatic is joyful living!

You maybe know that - and still sometimes can’t seem to find your ease and joy?
Or you simply desire to go for more?

This is your monthly boost of pragmatic inspirations, to keep on going and thrive!


What you get:

  • Monthly pragmatic inspirations and boosts by Susanna Mittermaier and guests
  • Insights into what’s new with Pragmatic Psychology
  • Telegram group



  • NONE - everyone can join!


You can use the following button to pay by credit card:

22 €

Monthly payment


Psychologist, Best Selling Author, International Key Speaker, HAPPY PERSON! 

Susanna Mittermaier MSc is the founder of the revolutionary new approach of Pragmatic Psychology, an active worldwide speaker, an international bestselling author in thirteen countries with her book: Pragmatic Psychology – tools for being crazy happy – and founder of the Pragmatic Psychology Centre in Vienna.

For more information visit


Susanna's first book was "Pragmatic Psychology - Practical Tools For Being Crazy Happy". It became a bestseller in 13 countries and has been translated into 9 languages. Other books include "Fairytale Family", "Who is Henry?" and "Advanced Pragmatic Psychology".

For more information visit


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